Saturday, 6 January 2007

J'ai une petite rhume

I have a little cold.

So yesterday I had a little bit of a sore throat and then today woke up with a blocked nose, stuffy head etc etc. Hopefully it will go away quickly!! If I find out who i got it from... (looking pointedly at both Monique and Isabelle at this stage...)

Yesterday, after lunch, we went to the Grotte des Demagulones, which is a series of caves with cool stalactites and mites and stuff. It was pretty cool, some of the formations resembed scary forests, others cauliflower, and one giant one looked like an organ, another like a statue and one like a gargoyle.

After that we went straight to horseriding; we were very early but I didn't mind. I rode Galoalto, who was also very nice to ride - uber nice trot that was lovely to sit to! He was sweet, more interested in me than his food which was cute! The lesson was good - there was only 3 of us, so for once I didn't have to worry about crashing! Then I watched Mireille ride before we came home for dinner. (I was absolutely starving; hadn't eaten a thing since lunch at 12:30 until dinner at 9:00 except 2 soothers!!)

Today... this morning wandered and tried to print some photos for that photo frame. Bit of a disaster but I managed eventually and the lovely photo man spoke English! And I found that little shop that I saw some weeks ago and have been searching for ever since! (Montpellier is like that, there are so many little shops on little streets, that if you see something interesting, you have to write down where it is or you may actually never come across it again!) I also had a pastry for morning tea. i have decided that this specific type is my absolute favourite pastry - 'croissant chocolat aux amandes' - it is heaven!! From the rather large yellow boulangerie in that squares where the halles market is. It is a croissant (so light and fluffy), inside is just the right amount of chocolate, surrounded by the almond cream stuff, which is sooooooooooooo nice and then the tope of the croissant is covered in toasted almonds. Ahhh.

So this arvo Mireille and I are going to see a movie - the Australian one - 10 canoes, has anyone seen it?? And then maybe i might be going somewhere with Emma, Mia and Issy, because Emma rang before but it was a very brief explanation so I am not quite sure what is happening.

This is my second last Friday in France. :-( If anyone wants anything specific for presents or in general from France tell us now, only 1 week left for shopping, searching etc.

Miss you all, lots of love (Where are all the comments - Laura are you hibernating??)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well you know, just don't want to spend all my holidays on the internet. I mean you must know how addictive blog watching is!
Lol, nah just been busy in the sense that i am reading lord of the rings again so it is hard to put down and that i have actually been out of the house - shopping!
Speaking of presents, i'd like this nice top i saw in Zara last year when i went. It's a t-shirt, kind of dark purple with a white and gold pattern - you'll know it when you see it.

Lol, just kidding! Hehe, you don't need to get me any present simone, i am sure what with those almond chocolate croissants, you can find better things to spend your money on! Also, i have no doubt that emma will get me lots of presents, being the dedicated twin she is. *hint hint, nudge nudge emma*
Lol, enjoy the rest of your trip, though no doubt i will continue to comment on your blog, if i don't get stuck into a new chapter of lord of the rings any time soon!